Hi, I’m Jeff.
Currently, I’m a Freelance CD Copywriter.
You can reach me via:
C: (310) 995-4355
E: jeffmbarry@gmail.com
And download my resume here.
My earliest memory of advertising? 4th grade; some kids made fun of my last name by singing me the jingle to Berry Berry Kix cereal. Maybe that’s what drove me to my love of Cinnamon Toast Crunch...and therapy.
As for the work stuff, I’m an award-winning (and judging) freelance Creative Director Copywriter, ex-portfolio school instructor, mentor, and co-founder of ‘The Avail List,’ with 13+ years experience in creative and 3+ in account. Yes, I’m one of those.
And as you can see if you scroll down, my work spans just about every brand category.
If you’re still reading this, I still play kickball and I’m also a huge bourbon/whiskey enthusiast and super involved in the community on a national level (it’s a thing). 🥃
“Well, I don’t hate it.” — John Goodman (About the 2 spots I wrote for him. His agent said that’s a big compliment.)
“I want my puppy in the commercial.” — 2 Chainz (And we happily obliged.)
“Hmph.” — Charles Barkley (His mouth was full of our delicious McDonald’s Quarter Pounder, but pretty sure he meant “great idea!”)
“It's one of the best ad campaigns we've seen in a while.” - TMZ
”My boss would fire me if I presented this to him.” - Marketing Manager
“Thank god you grew into a nice adult!” – My mom